Setup Tutorial Of Telemetry Radio On PX4
Step2: Configuring PX4
Connecting the flight controller to Windows PC via USB, open the QGroundControl and connect the flight controller.
Find “MAVLink” on the “Parameter” page and modify the MAV_0 parameter as:
- MAV_0_CONFIG = TELEM1 (The radio is connected to the TELEM1 port)
- MAV_0_FORWARD = Disabled
- MAV_0_MODE = Normal
- MAV_0_RATE = 1200B/s
Reboot the controller and reconnect, find the “Serial” in Parameter page, and set SER_TEL_1_BAUD to 57600 8N1.
Step3: Connecting radio to PC and installing driver
Connect the other one radio to Windows PC via type-c cable. In the device manager it will show “CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller” which means that your PC has detected the drivers but note the “!” sign which indicated cp2102 drivers have not been installed.
Follow our tutorial to install the driver for CP2102.
Installation Guide for CP2102 Driver Step By Step – MicoAir Tech
After the successful installation of the driver, you can see the port numbers assigned by the CP210x device in the Device Manager, as shown in the following figure.
Step4: Connecting PX4 on QGroundControl over radio
Reopen the QGroundControl, it will automatically recognize the radio and connect to the PX4, no settings are required with default setup.
Usually, it takes 2-3 seconds to reading the parameters, but sometimes it may take about 10 seconds.
If QGC cannot automatically recognize and connect to the PX4, you can check if the port has already been occupied by other software or the automatic connection function is turned off (SiK Radio):
Connection over LR900-A
Additionally, QGC cannot automatically recognize LR900-A, you need to manually set up the connection.
Go to Application Settings -> Comm Links page, click “Add”, and then edit the connection settings.
Then edit a name, select Type as Serial, the correct port number of the radio, Baud Rate as 57600, and finally click OK.
Select the connection name and click Connect below, QGC will start connecting to PX4 over LR900-A.